So your awesome project that you’re developing with Visual Studio, and you want to use Trolltech’s Qt library? Luckily Trolltech provides an awesome Visual Studio plugin that does almost everything Qt creator does (minus Intellisense support for slots). The bad news is that Trolltech doesn’t directly tell you how to go about doing this:
- Download and install the Qt for Visual Studio plugin.
- Download the source code for Qt 4.7
- Start the Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt ( Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 -> Visual Studio Tools -> Visual Studio Command Prompt)
- Navigate to the directory with your downloaded Qt SDK
- Run the configure program like so: “configure -platform win32-msvc2010 -debug-and-release -static -no-gif -no-qt3support -no-dbus -no-phonon-backend”
- Wait ten or so minutes for configure to finish
- Now run nmake. And make dinner, because this will take a very long time
- You have Qt ready to go! Yay!
The configure parameters I provide will configure Visual Studio to build the vast majority of Qt. There’s a lot of extra options you can explore if you desire more control – for instance, you can enable exception support.
Have fun!